• Introducing: Agent 47 – Hitman

    Nulla condimentum pulvinar turpis, ac dapibus purus consequat a. Maecenas condimentum lorem id tellus scelerisque sagittis. Aenean odio massa, tristique quis posuere non, porta a [...]

  • Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm hands-on at MLG event

    In suscipit vestibulum sem, nec consectetur enim consequat nec. Donec elit turpis; dignissim pharetra porttitor in, fringilla sed tortor. Vivamus scelerisque blandit velit sit amet [...]

  • Crysis dev backtracks on blocking used games comment

    Suspendisse tellus nunc, iaculis vulputate placerat sit amet, lacinia sed mi. Nulla quam nisl, eleifend nec iaculis eu, sollicitudin sed lectus. Vivamus sodales tempor massa [...]

  • Diablo III auction house fees, Global Play revealed

    Aenean tristique varius egestas. Nulla urna enim, facilisis nec pretium in, euismod at dui! Donec ac neque eu eros facilisis malesuada. Class aptent taciti sociosqu [...]

Crysis 2 Review

  Crysis 2 is a first person shooter video games developed by Crytek for EA Games. The game is the latest installment of the Crysis series and features the next generation of FPS. Crysis 2 is a full freedom experience game with players determining how the game should be played rather than been told how to play the game. The game's story line is a complete departure from is prequel Crysis moving from island jungles to the iconic...
  Are you playing Diablo III and want to learn how to reach level 60 the fastest way possible? Well, if you want to learn how to be the first of your first to reach the leveling cap, I have outlined some tips below to help you reach your goal. Quests One of the best things that you can do to power level your character in Diablo III is by doing quests. There are literally 100's if not 1000's of different quests in Diablo III...

Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty

  It's been six-months since our lives were invaded by StarCraft II. They call it the Wings of liberty but hasn't it made us slaves of our consoles and gaming couches? To be honest, StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty has redefined the real-time strategy genre for our generation. It is really unbelievable how Blizzard Entertainment is able to pull out such an outstanding game while keeping WoW ahead of the MMO race all along. So,...

Hitman (series)

  Hitman is an action-adventure stealth video game series developed by the Danish company IO Interactive. The series is available on Microsoft Windows as well as several video game consoles, including the Nintendo GameCube, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Xbox, and Xbox 360. The game series has since expanded into a novel, Hitman: Enemy Within written by William C. Dietz, followed by Hitman: Damnation which is an official prequel to the...

Saints Row: The Third - Talk About That!

  The Saints are back with a whole new city to conquer! Unlike the previous Saints Row games, Saints Row: The Third takes place in an all new city, Steelport. The legendary criminal fraternity, the syndicate has taken over Stilwater and drive the Saints right out of their own city, and force them to move to the decaying city of sin, Steelport. Now, in Saints Row: The Third, The Third Street Saints must defend their title as...

Resident Evil 6 Review

  Resident Evil 6, the sequel to Resident Evil 5, is the fifth game in the series. It is currently under development but people have started talking of it. What did they heard about it? Not much about the Resident Evil 6 has been yet revealed by its developer CapCom. Few details have been released about the game. The concept is believed to be similar to Black Hawk Down. The gameplay as announced by the producer, Jun Takeuchi,...

God of War Review

  Since God of War was first demoed back in early 2004, it's been on the wish list of many action/adventure fans. God of War begins with a suicide, that of the main character. While this may sound like an exceedingly short game, it becomes clearer over time. Kratos, a tough Spartan warrior, throws himself from the highest cliff in Greece. As he plummets, you see the events leading up to the suicide. Essentially, Kratos was...